Sunday, July 6, 2014


As we come to an end of describing the seven ways computers help us, with a lot of research and reading along with tons of personal experience I have come to a conclusion that computers have become an important household item and an consistently growing part of education, business, profession, health care sector and the service industry. Use of computers promotes fast growth, fewer mistakes and better service in each and every field of life.

It's my first time working on a blog, the experience was wonderful and I've learned a lot of new facts from my research and reading. I hope you enjoyed and learned a few interesting things from my blog too.


When we are discussing the importance of computers, how can we forget what role computers play in the health care industry?

Over time, Computers have developed the health care industry as well. The information stored in the computer known as Database management at clinics and hospitals has become an easy job with the arrival of computers. With the help of Computers it has become very easy and manageable to keep track of the entire patient's medical history, stock of medicines in the inventory department, purchases and sales, staff information, basically everything it takes to keep a health care system run smoothly in an organized manner. The required information is available at the click of a button, how easier can life be? 

Storing medical reports of millions of patients is easier with computers. Storage of data in computers is an Eco-friendly way of storing information, it saves the trees from being diminished and saves cost, allowing hospitals to spend the money on better things like technology advancements and hospitality service for patients. When it comes to health care, we need to keep in mind that diagnostic tools like MRI, CT scan, ultrasound tests, and radiation technology, medical imaging all of these procedures requires the use of computers. A computer helps a doctor detect the cause of the illness and ensures the accurate diagnosis is performed for the disease. God knows what we would do without computers! 


Saturday, July 5, 2014


In the recent years, computers progressed in playing a significant role in education. Considering the use of computer technology in every part of day-to-day life, the education system has made computer education a part of school curriculum. So kids have a basic knowledge from the very beginning.

Computers seem to be everywhere, whether it’s a school, college, university or the local library. Thanks to Computers, learning has become much easier, interesting and fun than before. Boy, computers do a lot of work for humans; they store huge chunks of data, which is very important because an educational institute needs to keep their student records of information organized. They store lots of documents that can be easily retrieved in a simple click storing soft copies instead of hard ones, saves paper and keeps the environment healthy.

Being a student myself, I can tell that computers play a very important role in my education. Life without a laptop on campus is quite hard; Carrying my laptop or logging on to a college computer easily gives me access to my course material and updates and the lecture PowerPoint's are stored on my laptop for future reference.

Below is a video I came across on YouTube, I found it quite interesting, plus it relates quite well to my topic. I hope you enjoy watching it!


Friday, July 4, 2014


The most important thing a computer is known for is Microsoft Office. Every Computer, laptop or Tablet has Microsoft Office in it. Microsoft Office is the world’s best and famous work program for studying, personal use, and office work.  From a business point of view, virtually every company, both large and small, uses MS Office. If you want to be successful in the workplace, you need to have a good working knowledge and understanding of MS Office.

Microsoft Office includes Access, Excel, Outlook, Power Point, Publisher and Word. But the most important in my daily life as a student is Word, Excel & PowerPoint so I will discuss these three. 

Life is much simpler with Microsoft Word where you can spend more time writing and less time formatting, the spell & grammar check is a bonus feature, I'm in love with it! Putting together documents has never been easier; it does everything to produce a perfect document. Did you know that Microsoft Word can spell check more than 50 languages (, how cool is that!

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program which allows one to enter numerical values or data into the rows or columns of a spreadsheet, and to use these numerical entries for such things as calculations, graphs, and statistical analysis. We cannot neglect the importance of PowerPoint, after all it helps us put down our thoughts and knowledge into a presentation for the world to see.

Microsoft Office is very helpful to everyone regardless of their age or profession; it has made life much easier. I would like to thank Bill Gates and his employees for the amazing invention.


Thursday, July 3, 2014


Most computers come with software and hardware installed that can turn a computer into an entertainment system. Internet access provides an interactive level of entertainment that can't be achieved with a standard television or radio. Below are some ways on how we can use a computer as a source of entertainment. 

  • Insert your music CD into your computers disk drive and listen to music on your computer’s speakers.
  • Insert a DVD into your computers DVD drive and watch your favourite movies on the computer’s monitor. 
  • Play video games, by inserting a CD, or downloading it from the internet.
  • Download apps from play store that match your interest.

Most importantly, there are a few sites that change the entire perspective of a computer into a mini television. Sites such as YouTube and Netflix have given entertainment on the go a new meaning.

There are millions of videos and movies on these sites that can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere, anytime.


My Grand Parents always tell me stories of how hard it was back in their time to make new friends. Working full time and earning that dough for bread was the most important thing back in those days, people were so occupied with work and house chores, they simply didn't have time to go out and make new friends. My Grand Parents had a few number of friends that they grew up with and kept that bond lifelong. They tell me how things have changed from their time to mine. I give this evolving credit to time and technology, without these two things would have been different.

The Computer with the help of internet provides us with rich opportunities for socializing. We can make new friends that possibly share the same qualities and interest as you. Social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram allow people to build and maintain online networks of friends and others with common interests. They also help you find "The One" you were destined to meet. Millions of people of all ages have tried dating through online dating services as a way to meet new friends and possibly find a lifelong partner

Socializing opens up great new opportunities to share, communicate, and meet new people. These sites also removes distance barriers and helps people from all around the world connect with each other, despite their age, race, and background. These sites have made making new friends and getting to know people much easier in a simple click known as "add a friend/follow."

Making new friends by just sitting on your couch or keeping with your existing friends online saves time and helps us socialize!
