Saturday, July 5, 2014


In the recent years, computers progressed in playing a significant role in education. Considering the use of computer technology in every part of day-to-day life, the education system has made computer education a part of school curriculum. So kids have a basic knowledge from the very beginning.

Computers seem to be everywhere, whether it’s a school, college, university or the local library. Thanks to Computers, learning has become much easier, interesting and fun than before. Boy, computers do a lot of work for humans; they store huge chunks of data, which is very important because an educational institute needs to keep their student records of information organized. They store lots of documents that can be easily retrieved in a simple click storing soft copies instead of hard ones, saves paper and keeps the environment healthy.

Being a student myself, I can tell that computers play a very important role in my education. Life without a laptop on campus is quite hard; Carrying my laptop or logging on to a college computer easily gives me access to my course material and updates and the lecture PowerPoint's are stored on my laptop for future reference.

Below is a video I came across on YouTube, I found it quite interesting, plus it relates quite well to my topic. I hope you enjoy watching it!


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