Thursday, July 3, 2014


My Grand Parents always tell me stories of how hard it was back in their time to make new friends. Working full time and earning that dough for bread was the most important thing back in those days, people were so occupied with work and house chores, they simply didn't have time to go out and make new friends. My Grand Parents had a few number of friends that they grew up with and kept that bond lifelong. They tell me how things have changed from their time to mine. I give this evolving credit to time and technology, without these two things would have been different.

The Computer with the help of internet provides us with rich opportunities for socializing. We can make new friends that possibly share the same qualities and interest as you. Social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram allow people to build and maintain online networks of friends and others with common interests. They also help you find "The One" you were destined to meet. Millions of people of all ages have tried dating through online dating services as a way to meet new friends and possibly find a lifelong partner

Socializing opens up great new opportunities to share, communicate, and meet new people. These sites also removes distance barriers and helps people from all around the world connect with each other, despite their age, race, and background. These sites have made making new friends and getting to know people much easier in a simple click known as "add a friend/follow."

Making new friends by just sitting on your couch or keeping with your existing friends online saves time and helps us socialize!


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