Thursday, July 3, 2014


Most computers come with software and hardware installed that can turn a computer into an entertainment system. Internet access provides an interactive level of entertainment that can't be achieved with a standard television or radio. Below are some ways on how we can use a computer as a source of entertainment. 

  • Insert your music CD into your computers disk drive and listen to music on your computer’s speakers.
  • Insert a DVD into your computers DVD drive and watch your favourite movies on the computer’s monitor. 
  • Play video games, by inserting a CD, or downloading it from the internet.
  • Download apps from play store that match your interest.

Most importantly, there are a few sites that change the entire perspective of a computer into a mini television. Sites such as YouTube and Netflix have given entertainment on the go a new meaning.

There are millions of videos and movies on these sites that can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere, anytime.

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